For basic research in the field of microbial technology, strain selection and strains modification (via synthetic biology) you can come to UGent. Several labs at UGent have in-house expertise on fundamental process development in the field of microbial proteins. At the center for microbial ecology and technology CMET one researches both pure cultures and synthetic co-cultures for biomass proteins. Various feedstocks are investigated such as industrial waste streams, CO2, methane, and chemical building blocks. In addition, much attention is paid to process optimization and economic feasibility of the processes. At the INBIO and CSB groups there is top expertise on precision fermentation via synthetic biology for the development of specialty proteins. At UGent an infrastructure is present both for fermentation and gas fermentation up to 10L, as well as for high-throughput screening for synthetic biology process developments from DNA to product.
Synthetic biology, Microbial technology, Chemical process technology
For basic research in the field of microbial technology, strain selection and strains modification (via synthetic biology) you can come to UGent. Several labs at UGent have in-house expertise on fundamental process development in the field of microbial proteins. At the center for microbial ecology and technology CMET one researches both pure cultures and synthetic co-cultures for biomass proteins. Various feedstocks are investigated such as industrial waste streams, CO2, methane, and chemical building blocks. In addition, much attention is paid to process optimization and economic feasibility of the processes. At the INBIO and CSB groups there is top expertise on precision fermentation via synthetic biology for the development of specialty proteins. At UGent an infrastructure is present both for fermentation and gas fermentation up to 10L, as well as for high-throughput screening for synthetic biology process developments from DNA to product.