Powering the food and feed revolution by strategic investments for scale-up
When? 19th of November, 10:00 – 18:00. Where? ILVO, Melle with demos at Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (Desteldonk) and Food Pilot (Melle)
Don’t miss this occasion! ILVO and Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (BBEPP) are opening their doors featuring demonstrations and testimonials focused on microbial protein production and processing. Newly available research and scale-up equipment will be showcased. Companies and policy makers will highlight the strength of these investments and explore the great opportunity. And finally, first results of microbial protein production, processing and analyses using this lab and pilot infrastructure will be showcased.
After lunch, participants will follow a one-hour tour with demonstrations through each of the pilot plants: Food Pilot and BBEPP. Read more to find out the full program and register your participation.

Organized by ILVO and BBBEPP. Investments were funded with the support of The Flemish Department of Economy, Science and Innovation, EFRO VLAIO, and the Province of Oost-Vlaanderen, for the projects Microbial Protein Transition, INNOLAB, FERM EIWIT, Bio Base Release, and Bio Base Advance.